Customer Support

Shipping and Delivery

Returns & Exchanges


All available pieces can be found on the website. You can also request custom orders.

Custom orders can be requested through my Contact Me page or by clicking here. You can also send me an email with your custom request. (Email: Please do not message me on Instagram to discuss custom orders, It may get lost!

Unknown substances is based out of Seattle, WA, and is run solely by me, Bailie! To learn more about me and my story check out my instagram, @unknown.substances

Make sure you sign up for my email alerts and follow me on social media! I never spam your email and only send you important updates or shop sales, as well as giveaways!

If you ever have an issue with anything you receive from me, please contact me via email and I will take care of it as soon as I see the email! I always strive to create quality at an affordable price, and want to make sure everyone is happy with their order!

Processing times of each piece can be found in the item description, but usually range about two weeks (custom orders make take longer). I cannot control how fast a package moves after it leaves my hands so I cannot guarantee any specific delivery dates.

The product material may vary, and will be listed in the item description.

Please keep resin pieces on flat surfaces and avoid direct sunlight, ash trays are good for ashing, however do not put direct flames on the pieces and do not put in the dishwasher. Hand wash with cold water and soap.